Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

60 Buku Pengantar untuk Mengenal Dunia

Kalau pas selo, dan pikiran lagi fresh, coba baca buku-buku ini. Daftar ini bisa menjadi pengantar yang bagus untuk (lebih) mengenal dunia yang kita tinggali saat ini. Tidak banyak, cuma 60 buku, plus seri pendamping. (Masing-masing seri pendamping terdiri dari 1 sampai 12 buku lagi).

  1. Adam Fergusson: When Money Dies, The Nightmare Of The Weimar Hyper Inflation 
  2. Antonia Juhasz: The Tyranny of Oil, The World's Most Powerful Industry, and What We Must Do to Stop It
  3. C. Wright Mills: The Power Elite 
  4. Charles Ferguson: Predator Nation (Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking of America)
  5. Charles Mackay: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
  6. Charles R. Morris: The Tycoons (How Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould and J.P. Morgan Invented the American Supereconomy) 
  7. Charles P. Kindleberger: Manias, Panics, and Crashes (A History of Financial Crises) 
  8. David Graeber: Debt, The First 5,000 Years
  9. David S. Landes: The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor 
  10. Emma Rothschild: The Inner Life of Empires, An Eighteenth-Century History 
  11. Erin Arvedlund: Too Good to Be True, The Rise and Fall of Bernie Madoff 
  12. Eustace Mullins: The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve 
  13. Gary Gorton: Misunderstanding Financial Crises: Why We Don't See Them Coming 
  14. Geoffrey P. Faux: The Global Class War, How America's Bipartisan Elite Lost Our Future - and What It Will Take to Win It Back 
  15. George A. Akerlof: Phishing for Phools, The Economics of Manipulation and Deception 
  16. George Monbiot: Captive State, The Corporate Takeover of Britain 
  17. Gordon Brown: Beyond the Crash, Overcoming the First Crisis of Globalization 
  18. Greg Farrell: Crash of the Titans (Greed, Hubris, the Fall of Merrill Lynch, and the Near-Collapse of Bank of America) 
  19. Ha-Joon Chang: 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism
  20. Harald Parigger: Fugger und der Duft des Goldes, Die Entstehung des Kapitalismus 
  21. James Morcan: Bankrupting the Third World
  22. James Morcan: Interntional Bankster$, The Global Banking Elite Exposed and the Case for Restructuring Capitalism 
  23. James Rickards: Currency Wars, The Making of the Next Global Crisis
  24. Jane Mayer: Dark Money, The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right 
  25. Joel Bakan: The Corporation, The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
  26. John Bowe: Nobodies, Modern American Slave Labor and the Dark Side of the New Global Economy 
  27. John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
  28. John Perkins: Hoodwinked, An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded & What We Need to Do to Save Them 
  29. John Perkins: The Secret History of the American Empire (Economic Hit Men, Jackals & the Truth about Global Corruption) 
  30. Joseph E. Stiglitz: Globalization and Its Discontents  
  31. Joseph E. Stiglitz: Freefall (America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy) 
  32. Josy Joseph: A Feast of Vultures, The Hidden Business of Democracy in India 
  33. Karen Piper: The Price of Thirst, Global Water Inequality and the Coming Chaos 
  34. Kevin P. Gallagher: Ruling Capital, Emerging Markets and the Reregulation of Cross-Border Finance 
  35. Larry Doyle: In Bed with Wall Street, The Conspiracy Crippling Our Global Economy 
  36. Liaquat Ahamed: Lords of Finance, The Bankers Who Broke the World 
  37. Malcolm Balen: The King, the Crook, and the Gambler (The True Story of the South Sea Bubble and the Greatest Financial Scandal in History)
  38. Martin J. Walker: Corporate Ties That Bind, An Examination of Corporate Manipulation and Vested Interest in Public Health
  39. Muhammad Yunus: Banker to the Poor, Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty
  40. Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism 
  41. Niall Ferguson: The Ascent of Money, A Financial History of the World
  42. Niall Ferguson: The House of Rothschild (All Series)
  43. Nick Buxton: The Secure and the Dispossessed, How the Military and Corporations are Shaping a Climate-Changed World
  44. Noam Chomsky: Hegemony or Survival, America's Quest for Global Dominance 
  45. Noam Chomsky: Media Control, The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda 
  46. Noam Chomsky: Failed States, The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy 
  47. Paul Krugman: The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 
  48. Peter Chapman: Jungle Capitalists (A Story of Globalisation, Greed and Revolution: United Fruit and the Invention of Twentieth-century Greed)
  49. Peter Dale Scott: The American Deep State (Wall Street, Big Oil & the Attack on U.S. Democracy)
  50. Peter Temple: Hedge Funds, Courtesans of Capitalism 
  51. Robert B. Reich: Aftershock, The Next Economy and America's Future 
  52. Sebastian Mallaby: More Money Than God, Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite 
  53. Sheldon S. Wolin: Democracy Incorporated, Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism
  54. Stephen E. Ambrose: Rise to Globalism, American Foreign Policy since 1938 
  55. Steven Hiatt: A Game as Old as Empire, The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of Global Corruption 
  56. Thomas Frank: One Market Under God: Extreme Capitalism, Market Populism, and the End of Economic Democracy 
  57. Thomas L. Friedman: Hot, Flat, and Crowded (Why We Need a Green Revolution, and How It Can Renew America)
  58. Tim Parks: Medici Money (Banking, Metaphysics, and Art in Fifteenth-Century Florence) 
  59. William D. Cohan: Money and Power, How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World 
  60. William D. Cohan: House of Cards, A Tale of Hubris and Wretched Excess on Wall Street 

Kapan-kapan, kalau pas selo, dan pikiranku juga lagi fresh, akan kutambah lagi.

*) Catatan/daftar buku ini sebelumnya saya tulis di timeline Twitter, pada 13 Maret 2018, dan saya pindahkan ke sini agar lebih mudah ditemukan.
