Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

Lelaki Misterius di Madinah

Apa yang paling penting dalam hidup? Kesadaran.
Ironisnya, itu justru tampak paling tidak penting, hingga terabaikan.

Apa yang paling penting dalam hidup? Kesadaran. Kesadaran untuk memahami bahwa yang paling penting bukan siapa kita, tapi apa yang kita lakukan. Bahwa yang penting bukan sebanyak apa yang menyaksikan hal-hal yang kita lakukan, tapi esensi dan ketulusan atas apa yang kita lakukan. Intisari itu saya temukan dalam satu kisah yang dituturkan Ibnu Al Jauzi.

Dalam kitab Shifat Ash-Shafwah karya Ibnu Al-Jauzi, ada kisah mengenai Muhammad bin Al-Munkadir (biasa disapa Ibnu Munkadir), seorang ahli ibadah yang tinggal di Madinah. Dia bercerita tentang perjumpaan tak sengaja dengan seseorang yang misterius, tapi meninggalkan jejak pelajaran abadi dalam hidupnya.

Ibnu Munkadir menceritakan, “Aku memiliki tempat di belakang tembok di Masjid Rasulullah, tempat aku biasa istirahat di malam hari.”

Agar kalimat itu bisa lebih dipahami, saya perlu menjelaskan beberapa hal. Masjid Rasulullah yang disebut Ibnu Munkadir adalah Masjid Nabawi di Madinah. Sementara “tempat di belakang tembok” yang dimaksud dalam kalimat Ibnu Munkadir adalah tempat tersendiri di masjid, yang biasa ia gunakan untuk istirahat atau beribadah secara pribadi.

Jadi, Ibnu Munkadir sering menghabiskan hidupnya di masjid. Layaknya masjid lain, Masjid Nabawi (khususnya pada zaman Ibnu Munkadir) juga punya ruangan khusus yang hanya diketahui orang-orang yang memang tinggal di masjid. Ruangan khusus itu bisa dimanfaatkan untuk beristirahat, atau untuk beribadah pribadi (di luar salat berjamaah).

“Suatu ketika, Madinah dilanda kemarau, dan penduduk mengalami paceklik,” lanjut Ibnu Munkadir, sebagaimana dikisahkan dalam kitab Shifat Ash-Shafwah. “Maka, kami (penduduk Madinah) pun melakukan shalat istisqa’ (untuk memohon hujan kepada Allah). Tapi hujan tidak juga turun.

“Malam hari, seperti biasa, aku salat di Masjid Rasulullah, lalu mendatangi tempat khususku, dan menyandarkan tubuhku di sana. Pada waktu itulah, seorang laki-laki misterius datang. [Dalam keremangan ruangan tempatku berada], laki-laki itu tampak hitam legam, dan aku tidak tahu siapa dirinya. Laki-laki itu mendekati tempat di depanku, tapi dia tidak menyadari aku ada di belakangnya. (Di masa itu, lampu listrik belum digunakan, dan penerangan tradisional hanya digunakan untuk tempat-tempat penting.)

“Kemudian dia salat dua rakaat, lalu duduk seraya berdoa, ‘Wahai, Rabb. Para penduduk di kota Nabi-Mu telah keluar meminta hujan, namun Engkau tidak juga mencurahkan hujan. Kini, atas nama-Mu, turunkanlah hujan.’”

Pada saat itu, Ibnu Munkadir sempat berpikir, “Mungkin dia orang gila.”

Tetapi, seusai laki-laki tadi berdoa, guntur tiba-tiba terdengar di langit, dan seketika hujan turun. Sebegitu deras hujan yang turun, hingga kemarau yang mencekik Madinah seolah terhapus seketika oleh kesejukan dari langit.

“Ketika mendengar suara hujan,” lanjut Ibnu Munkadir menceritakan, “laki-laki itu memuji Allah dengan kata-kata yang belum pernah kudengar sebelumnya.”

Ibnu Munkadir sangat terkesan sekaligus tercengang dengan peristiwa itu. Ribuan penduduk Madinah telah berdoa agar hujan diturunkan, tapi kemarau tetap mencekik, dan hujan tak juga turun. Kini, seorang laki-laki berdoa sendirian, meminta hal yang sama, dan hujan seketika turun.

Kemudian, lelaki misterius itu menjalankan salat sunah, hingga terdengar azan subuh. Ia meninggalkan tempat khusus tersebut, dan bergabung dengan para jamaah lain untuk salat subuh di masjid seperti biasa, tanpa menyadari bahwa sejak tadi Ibnu Munkadir memperhatikannya.

“Aku pun ikut salat berjamaah,” kisah Ibnu Munkadir.

Setelah salat subuh berjamaah selesai, laki-laki tadi keluar dari masjid, seperti umumnya orang lain. Ibnu Munkadir menceritakan, “Diam-diam, aku mengikutinya dari belakang. Dia mengangkat pakaiannya agar tidak terkena air hujan yang menggenang. Aku pun melakukan hal sama, dan mengikutinya. Tapi kemudian aku kehilangan jejak.”

Besok malamnya, Ibnu Munkadir beristirahat seperti biasa, di tempat terlindung di Masjid Nabawi. Saat ia sedang berbaring di sana, laki-laki misterius kemarin muncul lagi, dan kembali salat di sana, tanpa menyadari keberadaan Ibnu Munkadir di belakangnya. Laki-laki itu terus melakukan salat, sampai datang waktu subuh. Setelah itu, seperti kemarin, dia ikut bergabung dengan para jamaah di masjid.

Usai salat subuh berjamaah, Ibnu Munkadir kembali bermaksud mengikuti laki-laki tadi. Karenanya, begitu laki-laki itu keluar masjid, Ibnu Munkadir segera membuntuti. Kali ini, dia tidak ingin kehilangan jejak. Jadi, dia terus mengikuti laki-laki tadi sedekat yang ia bisa, hingga tahu di mana laki-laki itu tinggal.

Laki-laki misterius itu ternyata tinggal di pinggir kota Madinah. Di suatu perkampungan, laki-laki itu tampak memasuki rumah, dan menutup pintunya, karena hari masih gelap (pagi, ketika orang-orang belum memulai aktivitas/bekerja).

“Aku pun kembali ke masjid,” ujar Ibnu Munkadir.

Setelah matahari terbit, dan penduduk Madinah telah mulai menjalankan aktivitas seperti biasa, Ibnu Munkadir kembali mendatangi tempat laki-laki yang diikutinya tadi pagi. Kali ini, laki-laki misterius itu sedang bekerja rumahnya, menjahit sepatu.

“Rupanya dia seorang tukang sepatu,” kata Ibnu Munkadir.

Laki-laki itu menyambut Ibnu Munkadir dengan ramah, dan menyapa, “Selamat datang, Saudaraku. Ada yang bisa kubantu? Kau ingin aku membuatkan sepatu untukmu?”

Sesaat, Ibnu Munkadir kebingungan. Kenyataan bahwa laki-laki misterius itu ternyata seorang tukang sepatu, membuatnya tertegun—itu sesuatu yang tidak ia sangka sebelumnya. “Dia laki-laki biasa,” pikir Ibnu Munkadir.

Kemudian, Ibnu Munkadir memberanikan diri, “Maafkan aku. Bukankah kau orang yang berdoa di ruangan khusus di Masjid Nabawi, tadi malam dan kemarin?”

Seketika, keramahan di wajah laki-laki itu lenyap, dan berubah seperti amarah. Dengan lirih, dia berkata kepada Ibnu Munkadir, “Apa urusanmu dengan peristiwa itu?”

Sebelum Ibnu Munkadir sempat menjawab atau menjelaskan apa pun, laki-laki misterius itu mengusirnya dengan marah, “Pergi! Keluarlah dari tempat ini.”

Dengan kebingungan, Ibnu Munkadir pun pergi, meninggalkan laki-laki itu.

Malam harinya, seperti biasa, Ibnu Munkadir beristirahat di tempatnya seperti hari-hari kemarin, di Masjid Nabawi. Tapi laki-laki misterius itu tidak datang seperti sebelumnya. Semalaman, Ibnu Munkadir gelisah, dan berpikir, “Apa yang telah kulakukan?”

Tiba-tiba dia menyesali keputusannya menemui laki-laki itu, dan menyadari bahwa laki-laki itu tidak ingin dikenali siapa pun. Semalaman Ibnu Munkadir gelisah, hingga fajar akhirnya tiba.

Saat waktu salat subuh datang, laki-laki itu tidak datang. Dan kenyataan itu membuat Ibnu Munkadir makin gelisah, makin merasa bersalah. Sementara itu, hujan masih turun sewaktu-waktu di Madinah.

Ketika akhirnya matahari terbit, dan siang mulai datang, Ibnu Munkadir memutuskan untuk kembali menemui laki-laki misterius itu, bermaksud meminta maaf. Dia pergi ke rumah laki-laki itu—si tukang sepatu—namun yang ia dapati di luar dugaan. Rumah laki-laki itu telah kosong, tidak ada siapa pun, tidak ada apa pun.

“Aku mendapati pintunya terbuka,” ujar Ibnu Munkadir, “tapi rumah itu sudah tak berpenghuni.”

Ketika Ibnu Munkadir masih tertegun di depan rumah kosong tersebut, seseorang datang mendekatinya—rupanya si pemilik rumah. (Jadi, laki-laki tukang sepatu mengontrak rumah di sana, yang dimiliki orang lain.)

Kini, laki-laki pemilik rumah, yang dikontrak si tukang sepatu, mendekati Ibnu Munkadir, dan bertanya, “Apa yang terjadi kemarin? Apa yang kaulakukan?”

Dengan kebingungan, Ibnu Munkadir balik bertanya, “Memangnya apa yang terjadi dengannya?”

Si pemilik rumah menjelaskan, “Kemarin, setelah kau pergi, dia (si tukang sepatu) segera membentangkan kain di tengah rumah, dan tidak menyisakan apa pun. Semuanya ia letakkan dalam kain, yang kemudian diangkutnya. Setelah itu, kami tidak tahu ke mana dia pergi.”

Kenyataan itu sekali lagi membuat Ibnu Munkadir tercengang sekaligus penasaran. Didorong penasaran pula, ia mencoba mencari laki-laki misterius itu.

“Setiap rumah yang ada di Madinah yang kuketahui, sudah kudatangi,” ia menceritakan. “Tapi aku tidak menemukan orang itu.”

Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

Akar Kerusakan Manusia

Doktrin: Menikah akan membuatmu bahagia.

Fakta: Tingkat perceraian meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.

Doktrin: Punya anak akan melancarkan rezeki.

Fakta: Jutaan anak menjadi korban kekerasan orangtuanya sendiri, gara-gara stres mencari rezeki.


Merasa hidup tak punya tujuan, lalu menikah dijadikan tujuan. Setelah menikah merasa ada yang kurang, lalu memiliki anak agar punya kegiatan dan kesibukan.

Sungguh ngeri membayangkan orang-orang semacam itu. Tapi lebih ngeri lagi adalah nasib anak-anak yang mereka lahirkan.


Jika setiap anak diberi hak untuk menuntut orang tua atas tindak kekerasan yang dialami, kapan pun waktunya, dunia pasti akan langsung sepi karena para orangtua akan masuk penjara.

Tapi kita hidup di dunia gila, yang menempatkan orangtua pasti benar, dan anak pasti salah.


Orangtua berdalih bahwa mereka yang melahirkan dan membesarkan anaknya, tapi tidak pernah menanyakan pada si anak, "Apakah kau minta dilahirkan, Nak?"

Sebelum membanggakan diri sebagai "pihak yang melahirkan", coba tanya diri sendiri, "Apakah anakku memang ingin dilahirkan?"


Menggunakan dalih sebagai pihak "yang telah melahirkan" sama artinya membebankan tanggung jawab kelahiran pada si anak. Padahal, si anak lahir karena kehendak si orangtua. Itu benar-benar cara pandang hidup yang sesat sekaligus mengerikan, dan anak-anak yang lalu menjadi korban.


Setidaknya ada 2 alasan besar kenapa orangtua punya anak. Pertama, karena termakan doktrin yang mengatakan punya anak akan melancarkan rezeki. Kedua, karena berharap si anak akan merawatnya di hari tua. Dua alasan itu saja sudah menunjukkan bahwa anak hanya dinilai sebagai objek.


Orangtua punya anak karena termakan doktrin "punya anak akan melancarkan rezeki". Setelah anak lahir, si anak didoktrin, "Kami yang telah melahirkanmu, jadi kau harus begini dan begitu."

Biasanya, semakin keblangsak hidup si orang tua, semakin keblangsak pula hidup si anak.


Dunia akan lebih baik, kalau saja setiap manusia menyadari bahwa menikah dan punya anak adalah soal pilihan, dan bukan kewajiban. Karena bersifat pilihan, maka setiap orang harus bertanggung jawab pada apa pun yang mereka lakukan, termasuk ketika memilih menikah dan punya anak.


Yang menjadikan dunia kacau dan kehidupan rusak, karena pilihan diubah menjadi kewajiban. Orang buru-buru menikah, karena merasa diwajibkan. Orang punya anak-anak, karena merasa diwajibkan. Akibatnya, mereka tidak merasa punya tanggung jawab, wong cuma menjalankan kewajiban.


Bahkan saat beribadah pun, orang tidak akan bisa beribadah dengan baik, jika yang ada dalam pikirannya cuma menjalankan kewajiban. Orang baru bisa beribadah dengan baik dan penuh kekhusyukan, jika dia benar-benar merasa butuh melakukannya, lalu melakukannya dengan tanggung jawab.

*) Ditranskrip dari timeline @noffret, 23 September 2018.

Selasa, 25 Desember 2018

Sesuatu yang Umbrus

Tidak perlu dibahas, wong umbrus.

Jumat, 21 Desember 2018

1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia (Bagian 5)

Daftar ini lanjutan daftar sebelumnya. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik serta daftar lebih utuh, silakan mengacu pada halaman sebelumnya (1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia - Bagian 4).
  1. Richard G. Wilkinson: The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better
  2. Richard H. Thaler: Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics
  3. Richard H. Thaler: Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness
  4. Richard Hofstadter: Anti-Intellectualism in American Life
  5. Richard Hofstadter: Social Darwinism in American Thought
  6. Richard Hofstadter: The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It
  7. Richard J. Barnet: Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order
  8. Richard J. Evans: The Pursuit of Power: Europe 1815-1914
  9. Richard Joyce: The Evolution of Morality
  10. Richard L. Brandt: One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of
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  12. Richard L. Hasen: Plutocrats United: Campaign Money, the Supreme Court, and the Distortion of American Elections
  13. Richard Linnett: The Eagle Mutiny
  14. Richard M. Rorty: Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity
  15. Richard Murphy: The Joy of Tax
  16. Richard Murphy: Over Here and Undertaxed: Multinationals, Tax Avoidance and You
  17. Richard Murphy: The Courageous State: Rethinking Economics, Society and the Role of Government
  18. Richard Seymour: Against Austerity: How we Can Fix the Crisis they Made
  19. Richard T. Froyen: Macroeconomics: Theories and Policies
  20. Robert A. Heinlein: Stranger in a Strange Land
  21. Robert A. Caro: The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York
  22. Robert A. Mundell: Monetary Theory; Inflation, Interest, and Growth in The World Economy
  23. Robert A. Mundell (Ed.): The Euro as a Stabilizer in the International Economic System
  24. Robert Anton Wilson: Masks of the Illuminati
  25. Robert B. Cialdini: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
  26. Robert B. Reich: Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few
  27. Robert B. Reich: Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy, and Everyday Life
  28. Robert B. Reich: Beyond Outrage (Expanded Edition): What Has Gone Wrong with Our Economy and Our Democracy, and How to Fix it
  29. Robert B. Reich: Economics In Wonderland: Robert Reich's Cartoon Guide To A Political World Gone Mad And Mean
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  32. Robert D. Blackwill: War by Other Means: Geoeconomics and Statecraft
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  39. Robert J. Gula: Nonsense: Red Herrings, Straw Men and Sacred Cows: How We Abuse Logic in Our Everyday Language
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  54. Roberto Simanowski: Data Love: The Seduction and Betrayal of Digital Technologies
  55. Robert Pollin: Contours of Descent: US Economic Fractures and the Landscape of Global Austerity
  56. Robert Scheer: The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street
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  58. Robert Shea: The Eye in the Pyramid
  59. Robert W. McChesney: People Get Ready: The Fight Against a Jobless Economy and a Citizenless Democracy
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  61. Robert W. Merry: A Country of Vast Designs: James K. Polk, the Mexican War and the Conquest of the American Continent
  62. Robert Wald Sussman: The Myth of Race: The Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea
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  64. Roger Bootle: The Trouble with Markets: Saving Capitalism from Itself
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  66. Roger Lowenstein: When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management
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  69. Roger Bootle: The Trouble with Markets: Saving Capitalism from Itself
  70. Russ Dizdar: The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos
  71. S.M. Amadae: Prisoners of Reason: Game Theory and Neoliberal Political Economy
  72. Samuel Fort: The Apocalypse Script
  73. Sarah Chayes: Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security
  74. Sarah Glynn (Ed.): Where the Other Half Lives: Lower Income Housing in a Neoliberal World
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  76. Sebastian Mallaby: More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New Elite
  77. Sebastian Mallaby: The Man Who Knew: The Life and Times of Alan Greenspan
  78. Shane O'Sullivan: Who Killed Bobby?: The Unsolved Murder of Robert F. Kennedy
  79. Shane Ross: The Bankers: How The Banks Brought Ireland To Its Knees
  80. Sheila Bair: The Bullies of Wall Street: This Is How Greed Messed Up Our Economy
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  83. Sheldon Whitehouse: Captured: The Corporate Infiltration of American Democracy
  84. Simon Blackburn: Truth: A Guide for the Perplexed
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  86. Simon Singh: The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography
  87. Simon Springer: The Discourse of Neoliberalism: An Anatomy of a Powerful Idea
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  92. Stephen Broadberry (Ed.): The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe, 2-Volume Set
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  114. Steven Pinker: The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined
  115. to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System
  116. Steven Worth: Blood Oath: The Conspiracy to Murder Nicole Brown Simpson
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  119. Susan George: The Lugano Report: On Preserving Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century
  120. Susan Jacoby: The Age of American Unreason
  121. Ted Nace: Gangs of America: The Rise of Corporate Power and the Disabling of Democracy
  122. Ted Schrecker: How Politics Makes Us Sick: Neoliberal Epidemics
  123. Terence McKenna: Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge
  124. Terence McKenna: True Hallucinations
  125. The Washington Post: Democracy Inc: How Members of Congress Have Cashed In On Their Jobs
  126. Thom Burnett (Ed.): Conspiracy Encyclopedia: The Encyclopedia of Conspiracy Theories
  127. Thom Hartmann: Threshold: The Crisis of Western Culture
  128. Thom Hartmann: Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights
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  130. Thomas C. Schelling: Micromotives and Macrobehavior
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  132. Thomas E. Mann: It's Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism
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  135. Thomas Frank: Pity the Billionaire: The Hard-Times Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right
  136. Thomas Frank: Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People
  137. Thomas Frank: What's the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America
  138. Thomas Frank: The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule
  139. Thomas Gilovich (Ed.): Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment
  140. Thomas L. Friedman: The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
  141. Thomas L. Friedman: The Lexus and the Olive Tree
  142. Tomas Marttila: Culture of Enterprise in Neoliberalism: Specters of Entrepreneurship
  143. Thomas Paine: The Life and Major Writings of Thomas Paine: Includes Common Sense/The American Crisis/Rights of Man/The Age of Reason/Agrarian Justice
  144. Thomas Pakenham: The Scramble for Africa: The White Man's Conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876 to 1912
  145. Thomas Piketty: Capital in the Twenty-First Century
  146. Thomas Piketty: The Economics of Inequality
  147. Thomas Robert Malthus: An Essay on the Principle of Population
  148. Thomas Sowell: Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy
  149. Thomas Sowell: Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One
  150. Thomas Sowell: Economic Facts and Fallacies
  151. Thomas Sowell: Knowledge And Decisions
  152. Thomas Sowell: The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy
  153. Timothy D. Wilson: Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious
  154. Timothy J. Keller: Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical
  155. Timothy P. Wickham-Crowley: Guerrillas and Revolution in Latin America: A Comparative Study of Insurgents and Regimes Since 1956
  156. Thomas Sowell: Barbarians inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays
  157. Timothy Leary: The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead
  158. Timothy Snyder: Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning
  159. Timothy Snyder: On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
  160. Tom Burgis: The Looting Machine: Warlords, Oligarchs, Corporations, Smugglers, and the Theft of Africa's Wealth
  161. Tom Bower: Oil: Money, Politics, and Power in the 21st Century
  162. Tom Clonan: Whistleblower, Soldier, Spy: A Journey Into the Dark Heart of the Global War on Terror
  163. Tomáš Sedlácek: Economics of Good and Evil: The Quest for Economic Meaning from Gilgamesh to Wall Street
  164. Tony Brauer: 12 Big Lies and the Prairies of Heaven: Or, the Curse of
  165. Ceteris Paribus
  166. Tony Juniper: What Has Nature Ever Done for Us?: How Money Really Does Grow on Trees
  167. Tony Sciacca: Who Killed Marilyn? & Did The Kennedys Know?
  168. W. Hugh Thomas: The Murder of Adolf Hitler: The Truth about the Bodies in the Berlin Bunker
  169. Wade Davis: The Serpent and the Rainbow
  170. Walter Scheidel: The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century
  171. Walters William: Governing Europe: Discourse, Governmentality and European Integration
  172. Wen Ho Lee: My Country Versus Me: The First-Hand Account by the Los Alamos Scientist Who Was Falsely Accused of Being a Spy
  173. Wendell Potter: Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans
  174. Wendell Potter: Nation on the Take: How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It
  175. Wendy Brown: Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism's Stealth Revolution
  176. Wendy Ruderman: Busted: A Tale of Corruption and Betrayal in the City of Brotherly Love
  177. Whitley Strieber: Communion: A True Story
  178. William Blum: Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower
  179. William Bramley: Gods of Eden
  180. William Bratton: Collaborate or Perish!: Reaching Across Boundaries in a Networked World
  181. William D. Cohan: Money and Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World
  182. Yves Smith: ECONned: How Unenlightened Self Interest Undermined Democracy and Corrupted Capitalism
  183. William Davies: The Happiness Industry: How the Government and Big Business Sold Us Well-Being
  184. William Davies: The Limits of Neoliberalism: Authority, Sovereignty and the Logic of Competition
  185. William Doyle: Aristocracy: A Very Short Introduction
  186. William E. Connolly: The Fragility of Things: Self-Organizing Processes, Neoliberal Fantasies, and Democratic Activism
  187. William Easterly: The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good
  188. William F. Baxter: People or Penguins: The Case for Optimal Pollution
  189. William Forbes: Behavioural Finance
  190. William Greider: The Soul of Capitalism: Opening Paths to a Moral Economy
  191. William J. Baumol: The Free-Market Innovation Machine: Analyzing the Growth Miracle of Capitalism
  192. William J. Kelly: The People's Republic of Chemicals
  193. William Kamkwamba: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope
  194. William Keegan: Mrs. Thatcher's Economic Experiment
  195. William L. Shirer: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany
  196. William Poundstone: Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value
  197. William R. Clark: Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar
  198. William Shawcross: Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon & the Destruction of Cambodia
  199. William Stanley Jevons: The Theory of Political Economy
  200. Zephyr Teachout: Corruption in America: From Benjamin Franklin's Snuff Box to Citizens United

Jumat, 21 Desember 2018

1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia (Bagian 4)

Daftar ini lanjutan daftar sebelumnya. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik serta daftar lebih utuh, silakan mengacu pada halaman sebelumnya (1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia - Bagian 3).
  1. Mark Kurlansky: Salt: A World History
  2. Mark Mackinnon: The New Cold War: Revolutions, Rigged Elections and Pipeline Politics in the Former Soviet Union
  3. Mark Skousen: The Making of Modern Economics: The Lives and Ideas of the Great Thinkers
  4. Martin A. Lee: Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellion
  5. Martin Ford: Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future
  6. Martin Gilens: Affluence and Influence: Economic Inequality and Political Power in America
  7. Masha Gessen: The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin
  8. Matt Ridley: The Evolution of Everything: How New Ideas Emerge
  9. Matt Taibbi: Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America
  10. Matt Taibbi: The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap
  11. Matt Taibbi: Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America
  12. Matthew D. Lieberman: Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect
  13. Matthew Desmond: Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City
  14. Matthew Eagleton-Pierce: Neoliberalism: The Key Concepts
  15. Matthew Parker: The Sugar Barons: Family, Corruption, Empire, and War in the West Indies
  16. Matthew Wood: Possession, Power and the New Age: Ambiguities of Authority in Neoliberal Societies. Theology and Religion in Interdisciplinary Perspective Series
  17. Mary Roach: Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
  18. Mary Roach: Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
  19. Max Thorn: Deadly Pretty Strangers: One dead body, one bereaved mother, one small favour ... and a whole load of bullets
  20. Melinda Cooper: Life as Surplus: Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal Era
  21. Quinn Slobodian: Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism
  22. Michael A. Hoffman II: Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
  23. Michael A. Peters: Poststructuralism, Marxism, and Neoliberalism: Between Theory and Politics
  24. Michael Arfken: Psychology and Neoliberalism
  25. Michael Blastland: The Tiger That Isn't: Seeing Through A World Of Numbers
  26. Michael Brooks: At the Edge of Uncertainty: 11 Discoveries Taking Science by Surprise
  27. Michael Common: Ecological Economics: An Introduction
  28. Michael E. Porter: The Competitive Advantage of Nations
  29. Michael Farquhar: Treasury of Foolishly Forgotten Americans: Pirates, Skinflints, Patriots, and Other Colorful Characters Stuck in the Footnotes of History
  30. Michael Freeden: Ideology: A Very Short Introduction
  31. Michael Freeden: Liberalism: A Very Short Introduction
  32. Michael Goodwin: Economix: How and Why Our Economy Works (and Doesn't Work), in Words and Pictures
  33. Michael Harrington: The Other America: Poverty in the United States
  34. Michael Hudson: Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy
  35. Michael J Blouin: Magical Thinking, Fantastic Film, and the Illusions of Neoliberalism
  36. Michael J. Mauboussin: Think Twice: Harnessing the Power of Counterintuition
  37. Michael J. Mauboussin: More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconventional Places
  38. Michael James Gallagher: Tsunami Connection
  39. Michael Lewis: Liar's Poker
  40. Michael Lewis: The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine
  41. Michael Lewis: Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt
  42. Michael Lewis: Panic: The Story of Modern Financial Insanity
  43. Michael Lewis: Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World
  44. Michael Lewis: The Money Culture
  45. Michael Lewis: Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game
  46. Michael Lewis: The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds
  47. Michael Lewis: Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World
  48. Michael Hudson: Finance Capitalism and Its Discontents
  49. Michael Johnston: Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy
  50. Michael Joseph Smith: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vaccinations
  51. Michael Kaplan: Bozo Sapiens: Why to Err is Human
  52. Michael Moss: Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us
  53. Michael Newman: Socialism: A Very Short Introduction
  54. Michael Newton: The Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories
  55. Michael Parkin: Economics
  56. Michael Parenti: Profit Pathology and Other Indecencies
  57. Michael Parenti: Democracy for the Few
  58. Michael Parenti: Superpatriotism
  59. Michael Parenti: Against Empire
  60. Michael Perino: The Hellhound of Wall Street: How Ferdinand Pecora's Investigation of the Great Crash Forever Changed American Finance
  61. Michael Pollan: The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
  62. to Whistleblower
  63. Michael Pollan: The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World
  64. Michael Shermer: The Science of Good and Evil: Why People Cheat, Gossip, Care, Share, and Follow the Golden Rule
  65. Michael Stephenson: The Provocateur
  66. Michael Tabman: Walking the Corporate Beat: Police School for Business People
  67. Michael W. Hudson: The Monster: How a Gang of Predatory Lenders and Wall Street Bankers Fleeced America—and Spawned a Global Crisis 
  68. Michael Swanson: The War State: The Cold War Origins of the Military-Industrial Complex
  69. Michael Woodford: Exposure: Inside the Olympus Scandal: How I Went from CEO
  70. Michele Wucker: The Gray Rhino: How to Recognize and Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore
  71. Michelle Alexander: The New Jim Crow
  72. Mike Dash: Tulipomania: The Story of the World's Most Coveted Flower & the Extraordinary Passions It Aroused
  73. Mike Davis (Ed.): Evil Paradises: Dreamworlds of Neoliberalism
  74. Mikhail Zygar: All the Kremlin's Men: Inside the Court of Vladimir Putin
  75. Milan Vaishnav: When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics
  76. R.V. Raman: Conspirator
  77. Milo A. Speriglio: The Marilyn Conspiracy     
  78. Milton Friedman: Free to Choose: A Personal Statement
  79. Milton Friedman: Capitalism and Freedom
  80. Misha Glenny: McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld
  81. Monica Prasad: The Politics of Free Markets: The Rise of Neoliberal Economic Policies in Britain, France, Germany, and the United States
  82. N. Gregory Mankiw: Principles of Economics
  83. Nancy Fraser: Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis
  84. Nancy Isenberg: White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America
  85. Nancy MacLean: Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America
  86. Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
  87. Naomi Klein: This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate
  88. Naomi Klein: No Logo
  89. Naomi Oreskes: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming
  90. Naomi Schaefer Riley: The New Trail of Tears: How Washington Is Destroying American Indians
  91. Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
  92. Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
  93. Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms
  94. Niall Ferguson: The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World
  95. Niall Ferguson: The House of Rothschild, Vol 1: Money's Prophets, 1798-1848
  96. Niall Ferguson: The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker 1849-1999
  97. Niall Ferguson: Civilization: The West and the Rest
  98. Niall Ferguson: Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World
  99. Niall Kishtainy: A Little History of Economics
  100. Nicholas Capaldi: The Art of Deception: An Introduction to Critical Thinking
  101. Nicholas Shaxson: Treasure Islands: Uncovering the Damage of Offshore Banking and Tax Havens
  102. Nick Davies: Hack Attack: How the Truth Caught Up with Rupert Murdoch
  103. Nick Lane: The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life
  104. Nick Srnicek: Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work
  105. Nick Wilkinson: An Introduction to Behavioral Economics: A Guide for Students
  106. Nicolette Makovicky: Neoliberalism, Personhood, and Postsocialism: Enterprising Selves in Changing Economies
  107. Nikos Petropoulos (Ed.): The Debt Crisis in the Eurozone: Social Impacts
  108. Noam Chomsky: Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order
  109. Noam Chomsky: Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance
  110. Noam Chomsky: Understanding Power: The Indispensable
  111. Noam Chomsky: Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda
  112. Noam Chomsky: Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power
  113. Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
  114. Noam Chomsky: Who Rules the World?
  115. Noam Chomsky: Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy
  116. Noam Chomsky: How the World Works
  117. Noam Chomsky: On Power and Ideology: The Managua Lectures
  118. Noam Chomsky: Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky
  119. Noam Chomsky: The Essential Chomsky
  120. Noam Chomsky: Year 501: The Conquest Continues
  121. Noam Chomsky: How the World Works
  122. Norman Doidge: The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science
  123. Norman G. Finkelstein: The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering
  124. Oliver Stone: The Untold History of The United States
  125. P.J. LaRue: Point of View
  126. Patricia Ventura: Neoliberal Culture: Living with American Neoliberalism
  127. Paul A. Samuelson: Economics
  128. Paul Babiak: Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work
  129. Paul Bass: Murder in the Model City: The Black Panthers, Yale, and the Redemption of a Killer
  130. Paul Blustein: And the Money Kept Rolling In (and Out): Wall Street, the IMF, and the Bankrupting of Argentina
  131. Paul Dragos Aligica: The Neoliberal Revolution in Eastern Europe: Economic Ideas in the Transition from Communism
  132. Paul Farmer: Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights and the New War on the Poor
  133. Paul Greenberg: Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food
  134. Paul H. Koch: Illuminati
  135. Paul Hawken: The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability
  136. Paul Hellyer: The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis
  137. Paul J. Zak: Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy
  138. Paul Krugman: The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century
  139. Paul Krugman: The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008
  140. Paul Krugman: Development, Geography, and Economic Theory
  141. Paul Krugman: The Accidental Theorist and Other Dispatches from the Dismal Science
  142. Paul Krugman: End This Depression Now!
  143. Paul Krugman: The Conscience of a Liberal
  144. Paul Krugman: A Country Is Not a Company
  145. Paul Mason: Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future
  146. Paul Mason: Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions
  147. Paul Mason: Live Working or Die Fighting: How The Working Class Went Global
  148. Paul Mason: Meltdown: The End of the Age of Greed
  149. Paul Mason: Live Working or Die Fighting: How The Working Class Went Global
  150. Paul Ormerod: Butterfly Economics: A New General Theory Of Social And Economic Behaviour
  151. Paul Seabright: The Company of Strangers: A Natural History of Economic Life - Revised Edition
  152. Pete Townshend: Lifehouse
  153. Peter Cozzens: The Earth Is Weeping: The Epic Story of the Indian Wars for the American West
  154. Peter D. Schiff: Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit from the Economic Collapse
  155. Peter D. Schiff: How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes
  156. Peter Dale Scott: Deep Politics and the Death of JFK
  157. Peter Diamond: Behavioral Economics and Its Applications
  158. Peter Evans: Nemesis: The True Story of Aristotle Onassis, Jackie O, and the Love Triangle That Brought Down the Kennedys
  159. Peter F. Drucker: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles
  160. Peter Frankopan: The Silk Roads: A New History of the World
  161. Peter Joseph: The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression
  162. Peter Mathias: The First Industrial Nation: The Economic History of Britain 1700-1914
  163. Peter P. Wakker: Prospect Theory: For Risk and Ambiguity
  164. Peter R.L. Brown: Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth, the Fall of Rome & the Making of Christianity in the West, 350-550 AD
  165. Peter Rost: The Whistleblower: Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman
  166. Peter Singer: Practical Ethics
  167. Peter T. Leeson: Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates
  168. Peter Temin: The Vanishing Middle Class: Prejudice and Power in a Dual Economy
  169. Peter Temple: Hedge Funds: Courtesans of Capitalism
  170. Philip Coggan: Paper Promises: Debt, Money, and the New World Order
  171. Philip G. Zimbardo: The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil
  172. Philip J. Stern: The Company-State: Corporate Sovereignty and the Early Modern Foundations of the British Empire in India
  173. Philip Mirowski: Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste: How Neoliberalism Survived the Financial Meltdown
  174. Philip Mirowski (Ed.): The Road from Mont Pelerin: The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective
  175. Philip Sandifer: Neoreaction a Basilisk
  176. Philippa Levine: Eugenics: A Very Short Introduction
  177. Pierre Bourdieu: Acts of Resistance: Against the Tyranny of the Market
  178. Pierre Dardot: The New Way Of The World: On Neoliberal Society
  179. R.D. Gupta: The Icarus Prediction   
  180. Rachel Carson: Silent Spring
  181. Radley Balko: Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces
  182. Ralph Epperson: The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratoral View of History
  183. Ralph Epperson: The New World Order
  184. Ram Dass: Be Here Now
  185. Raymond Plant: The Neo-Liberal State
  186. Raymond Wacks: Privacy: A Very Short Introduction
  187. Raymond W. Baker: Capitalism's Achilles Heel
  188. Rebecca Skloot: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
  189. Rick Strassman: DMT: The Spirit Molecule
  190. Richard B. Freeman:  What Do Unions Do
  191. Richard Belzer: UFOs, JFK & Elvis: Conspiracies You Don't Have to Be Crazy to Believe
  192. Richard Belzer: Dead Wrong: Straight Facts on the Country's Most Controversial Cover-Ups
  193. Richard Belzer: Hit List: An In-Depth Investigation into the Mysterious Deaths of Witnesses to the JFK Assassination
  194. Richard Belzer: Dead Wrong 2: Diana, Princess of Wales
  195. Richard Bookstaber: A Demon of Our Own Design: Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation
  196. Richard Brooks: The Great Tax Robbery: How Britain Became a Tax Haven for Fat Cats and Big Business
  197. Richard C. Hoagland: Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA
  198. Richard C. Hoagland: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever
  199. Richard D. Wolff: Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism
  200. Richard Dawkins: The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design

Lihat lanjutannya: 1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia (Bagian 5)

Jumat, 21 Desember 2018

1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia (Bagian 3)

Daftar ini lanjutan daftar sebelumnya. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik serta daftar lebih utuh, silakan mengacu pada halaman sebelumnya (1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia - Bagian 2).
  1. Jeffrey D. Sachs: The Price of Civilization: Reawakening American Virtue and Prosperity
  2. Jeffrey H. Reiman: The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison: Ideology, Class, and Criminal Justice
  3. Jeffrey Haas: The Assassination of Fred Hampton: How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther
  4. Jeffrey Robinson: The Laundrymen: Money Laundering the World's Third Largest Business
  5. Jennifer A. Doudna: A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution
  6. Jennifer Burns: Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right
  7. Jennifer Edstrom: Barbarians Led by Bill Gates: Microsoft From The Inside: How The World's Richest Corporation Wields Its Power
  8. Jennifer Sherman: Those Who Work, Those Who Don't: Poverty, Morality, and Family in Rural America
  9. Jerry Z. Muller: The Mind and the Market: Capitalism in Modern European Thought
  10. Jesse Ventura: Jesse Ventura Tells It Like It Is: America's Most Outspoken Governor Speaks Out about Government
  11. Jesse Ventura: American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us
  12. Jesse Ventura: Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read
  13. Jesse Ventura: Don't Start the Revolution Without Me!: From the Minnesota Governor's Mansion to the Baja Outback: Reflections and Revisionings
  14. Jesse Ventura: DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangs in Government
  15. Jesse Ventura: They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK
  16. Jesús Huerta de Soto: Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles
  17. Jesse Walker: The United States of Paranoia: A Conspiracy Theory
  18. Jim Marrs: Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons & the Great Pyramids
  19. Jim Marrs: The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America
  20. Jim Marrs: Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons & the Great Pyramids
  21. Jim Marrs: Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy
  22. Jim Marrs: The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America
  23. Jim McGuigan: Neoliberal Culture
  24. Jim Hougan: Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat, and the CIA
  25. Jim Schnabel: Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies
  26. Jim Shultz (Ed.): Dignity and Defiance: Stories from Bolivia's Challenge to Globalization
  27. Jim Wallis: America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America
  28. Jimmy Carter: Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis
  29. Jodi Dean: Aliens in America
  30. Jodi Dean: Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics
  31. Joel Bakan: The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
  32. Johanna Bockman: Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism
  33. John A. Keel: The Mothman Prophecies
  34. John A. Keel: The Eighth Tower
  35. John A. Cassara: Trade-Based Money Laundering: The Next Frontier in International Money Laundering Enforcement
  36. John A. Stormer: None Dare Call It Treason
  37. John B. Judis: The Populist Explosion: How the Great Recession Transformed American and European Politics
  38. John Bellamy Foster: The Ecological Rift
  39. John Bowe: Nobodies: Modern American Slave Labor and the Dark Side of the New Global Economy
  40. John Brockman (Ed.): This Will Make You Smarter: New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
  41. John C. Bogle: The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism
  42. John C. Bogle: The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns
  43. John C. Lilly: The Center of the Cyclone: Looking into Inner Space
  44. John C. Mutter: The Disaster Profiteers: How Natural Disasters Make the Rich Richer and the Poor Even Poorer
  45. John Cassidy: How Markets Fail: The Logic of Economic Calamities 1st (first) edition
  46. John Coleman: The Rothschild Dynasty
  47. John Coleman: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300
  48. John D. Erickson: Economists Are Morons
  49. John D. Marks: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA & Mind Control
  50. John Day: The Medieval Market Economy
  51. John Edmond Costello: Days of Infamy: Macarthur, Roosevelt, Churchill-The Shocking Truth Revealed
  52. John Ehle: Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation
  53. John Ehrenreich: Third Wave Capitalism: How Money, Power, and the Pursuit of Self-Interest Have Imperiled the American Dream
  54. John Farman: The Very Bloody History of Britain
  55. John H. Jackson: Macroeconomics
  56. John Howard Griffin: Black Like Me
  57. John Kay: The Truth About Markets: Their Genius, Their Limits, Their Follies
  58. John Keay: Honourable Company: A History of the English East India Company
  59. John Kenneth Galbraith: The Affluent Society
  60. John Kenneth Galbraith: A History of Economics: The Past as the Present
  61. John Kenneth Galbraith: The Great Crash of 1929
  62. John Kenneth Galbraith: The Affluent Society
  63. John Kenneth Galbraith: A Short History of Financial Euphoria
  64. John L Campbell (Ed.): The Rise of Neoliberalism and Institutional Analysis
  65. John Lanchester: I.O.U.: Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay
  66. John Lanchester: How to Speak Money: What the Money People Say—And What It Really Means
  67. John Lingan: Homeplace: A Southern Town, a Country Legend, and the Last Days of a Mountaintop Honky-Tonk
  68. John Maynard Keynes: The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
  69. John Michael Greer: The Long Descent: A User's Guide to the End of the Industrial Age
  70. John N. Gray: False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism
  71. John Nichols: Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex is Destroying America
  72. John P. Avlon: Washington's Farewell: The Founding Father's Warning to Future Generations
  73. John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
  74. John Perkins: The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
  75. John Ralston Saul: The Unconscious Civilization
  76. John Ralston Saul: Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship Of Reason in the West
  77. John Ross: Murdered by Capitalism: A Memoir of 150 Years of Life and Death on the American Left
  78. John Rule: The Vital Century: England's Developing Economy, 1714-1815
  79. John Robison: Proofs of a Conspiracy
  80. John Stuart Mill: The Basic Writings: On Liberty/The Subjection of Women/Utilitarianism
  81. John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath
  82. John Steinbeck: The Harvest Gypsies: On the Road to The Grapes of Wrath
  83. John Steinbeck: In Dubious Battle
  84. John Steinbeck: The Winter of Our Discontent
  85. John Stuart Mill: On Liberty
  86. John Stuart Mill: Principles of Political Economy: And Chapters on Socialism
  87. John W. Dean: Conservatives Without Conscience
  88. John W. Schilling: Undercover: How I Went from Company Man to FBI Spy - and Exposed the Worst Healthcare Fraud in U.S. History
  89. Jon E. Lewis, The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups: The 100 Most Terrifying Conspiracies of All Time
  90. Jon Elster: Ulysses Unbound: Studies in Rationality, Precommitment, and Constraints
  91. Jon Elster (Ed.): Ulysses and the Sirens: Studies in Rationality and Irrationality
  92. Jon Elster: Explaining Social Behavior: More Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences
  93. Jon Krakauer: Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman
  94. Jon Ronson: Them: Adventures with Extremists
  95. Jon Stewart: America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction
  96. Jonah Lehrer: How We Decide
  97. John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
  98. John Robison: Proofs of a Conspiracy
  99. John Stuart Mill: Principles of Political Economy: And Chapters on Socialism
  100. Jonathan Baron: Thinking and Deciding
  101. Jonathan Haidt: The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
  102. Jonathan Harr: A Civil Action
  103. Jonathan Kay: Among the Truthers: A Journey Through America's Growing Conspiracist Underground
  104. Jonathan Kozol: Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
  105. Jonathan Kozol: The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America
  106. Jonathan Vankin: 60 Greatest Conspiracies Of All Time - History's Biggest Mysteries, Cover-ups, And Cabals
  107. Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
  108. Joseph Chilton Pearce: The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: New Constructs of Mind and Reality
  109. Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future
  110. Joseph P. Farrell: Babylon's Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Ancient Religion
  111. Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them
  112. Joseph E. Stiglitz: Making Globalization Work
  113. Joseph E. Stiglitz: Globalization and Its Discontents
  114. Joseph E. Stiglitz: Mismeasuring Our Lives: Why GDP Doesn't Add Up
  115. Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict
  116. Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World's Most Prosperous Decade
  117. Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe
  118. Joseph E. Stiglitz: Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy: An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity
  119. Joseph E. Stiglitz: Globalization and Its Discontents
  120. Joseph E. Stiglitz: Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy
  121. Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World's Most Prosperous Decade
  122. Joseph J. Ellis: Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation
  123. Joseph P. Farrell: Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda
  124. Joseph P. Farrell: Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend
  125. Joseph Soares: The Power of Privilege: Yale and America's Elite Colleges
  126. Joshua D. Greene: Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them
  127. Joshua E.S. Phillips: None of Us Were Like This Before: American Soldiers and Torture
  128. Joshua Ramey: Politics of Divination: Neoliberal Endgame and the Religion of Contingency
  129. Joshua Wolf Shenk: Lincoln's Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness
  130. Josy Joseph: A Feast of Vultures: The Hidden Business of Democracy in India
  131. Julia Kurnia: Venture: A Collection of True Microfinance Stories
  132. Julian Baggini: The Big Questions: Ethics
  133. Julian L. Simon: The Ultimate Resource 2
  134. Karen Dawisha: Putin's Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?
  135. Karen Piper: The Price of Thirst: Global Water Inequality and the Coming Chaos
  136. Karl Marx: The Communist Manifesto
  137. Karl Marx: Capital: A Critique of Political Economy
  138. Karl Marx: Das Kapital
  139. Karl Marx: On Colonialism
  140. Karl Marx: Capital: The Process of Circulation of Capital
  141. Karl Marx: A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production
  142. Karl Polanyi: The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time
  143. Katherine Hawley: Trust: A Very Short Introduction
  144. Katherine Hirschfeld: Gangster States: Organized Crime, Kleptocracy and Political Collapse
  145. Kean Birch: A Research Agenda for Neoliberalism
  146. Kean Birch (Ed.): The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism: The Collapse of an Economic Order
  147. Kean Birch: We Have Never Been Neoliberal: A Manifesto for a Doomed Youth
  148. Ken Arthur: The Books of David Icke
  149. Ken Binmore: Rational Decisions
  150. Kent Anderson: Television Fraud: The History and Implications of the Quiz Show Scandals
  151. Kevin Bales: Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy
  152. Kevin M. Kruse: One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America
  153. Kevin Passmore: Fascism: A Very Short Introduction
  154. Kevin P. Gallagher: Ruling Capital: Emerging Markets and the Reregulation of Cross-Border Finance
  155. Kevin Phillips: Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism
  156. Kevin Phillips: The Politics of Rich and Poor: Wealth and the American Electorate in the Reagan Aftermath
  157. Kevin Phillips: Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich
  158. Kevin Phillips: American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century
  159. Kristian Williams: Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America
  160. Krystle Cole: Lysergic
  161. Khurt Khave: Astronomicon minorem - DMT, Cthulhu and You
  162. Kristin Bumiller: In an Abusive State: How Neoliberalism Appropriated the Feminist Movement against Sexual Violence
  163. L. Michael Hall: Mind-Lines: Lines for Changing Minds
  164. Larry Burkett: The Illuminati
  165. Larry Doyle: In Bed with Wall Street: The Conspiracy Crippling Our Global Economy
  166. Larry Hannigan: I Want the Earth Plus 5 Percent
  167. Larry M. Bartels: Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age
  168. Laton McCartney: The Teapot Dome Scandal: How Big Oil Bought the Harding White House and Tried to Steal the Country
  169. Lawrence Lessig: Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress - and a Plan to Stop It
  170. Lawrence Lessig: Lesterland: The Corruption of Congress and How to End It
  171. Leo Damore: Chappaquiddick: Power, Privilege, and the Ted Kennedy Cover-Up
  172. Leon Trotsky: Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It
  173. Leonard G. Horowitz: Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident, or Intentional?
  174. Leslie Jamison: The Empathy Exams: Essays
  175. Leslie Holmes: Corruption: A Very Short Introduction
  176. Leslie Holmes: Communism: A Very Short Introduction
  177. Liaquat Ahamed: Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
  178. Lisa Dodson: The Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy
  179. Lisa Duggan: The Twilight of Equality: Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics, and the Attack on Democracy
  180. Lisa Rofel: Desiring China: Experiments in Neoliberalism, Sexuality, and Public Culture
  181. Litvinenko and Russia's War with the West
  182. Louis Adamic: Dynamite: The Story of Class Violence In America, 1830-1930
  183. Louis C. Kilzer: Churchill's Deception: The Dark Secret That Destroyed Nazi Germany
  184. Louis Hyman: Borrow: The American Way of Debt
  185. Louis Kilzer: Hitler's Traitor : Martin Bormann and the Defeat of the Reich
  186. Louis Theroux: The Call of the Weird: Travels in American Subcultures
  187. Luca Pesaro: Zero Alternative
  188. Ludwig von Mises: The Theory of Money & Credit
  189. Ludwig von Mises: Human Action: A Treatise on Economics
  190. Luke Harding: A Very Expensive Poison: The Definitive Story of the Murder
  191. Malise Ruthven: Fundamentalism: A Very Short Introduction
  192. Manfred B. Steger: Neoliberalism: A Very Short Introduction
  193. Manfred B. Steger: Globalization: A Very Short Introduction
  194. Maurya Wickstrom: Performance in the Blockades of Neoliberalism: Thinking the Political Anew
  195. Marin Katusa: The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped from America's Grasp
  196. Mark Bevir (Ed.): Governmentality After Neoliberalism
  197. Mark Blyth: Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea
  198. Mark Dice: The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction
  199. Mark Earls: Herd: How to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature
  200. Mark Häberlein: Die Fugger: Geschichte einer Augsburger Familie, 1367-1650

Lihat lanjutannya: 1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia (Bagian 4)

Jumat, 21 Desember 2018

1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia (Bagian 2)

Daftar ini lanjutan daftar sebelumnya. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik serta daftar lebih utuh, silakan mengacu pada halaman sebelumnya (1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia - Bagian 1).
  1. David McGowan: Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippy Dream
  2. David M. Kotz: The Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Capitalism
  3. David M. Smick: The World Is Curved: Hidden Dangers to the Global Economy
  4. David Mamet: The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture
  5. David McGowan: Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder
  6. David Peat: Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Matter and Mind
  7. David Ray Griffin: The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration & 9/11
  8. David Ray Griffin: Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics & Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory
  9. David Ray Griffin: The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions
  10. David Ricardo: The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
  11. David Rothkopf: Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making
  12. David S. Abraham: The Elements of Power: Gadgets, Guns, and the Struggle for a Sustainable Future in the Rare Metal Age
  13. David S. Landes: The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor
  14. David S. Lifton: Best Evidence
  15. David von Drehle: Triangle: The Fire That Changed America
  16. David W. Balsiger: The Lincoln Conspiracy
  17. David W. Maurer: The Big Con: The Story of the Confidence Man
  18. Deborah Johnston (Ed.): Neoliberalism: A Critical Reader
  19. Loïc Wacquant: Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity
  20. Dee Brown: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West
  21. Diane Hennacy Powell: The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena
  22. Donald Jeffries: Survival of the Richest: Ho...    Survival of the Richest: How the Corruption of the Marketplace and the Disparity of Wealth Created the Greatest Conspiracy of All
  23. Donald Jeffries, Hidden History: An Exposé of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics
  24. Donella H. Meadows: Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update
  25. Dorothy Bryant: The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You
  26. Dotan Leshem: The Origins of Neoliberalism: Modeling the Economy from Jesus to Foucault
  27. Douglas A. Blackmon: Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II
  28. Douglas Dowd: Capitalism and Its Economics: A Critical History
  29. Douglas Dowd: Against The Conventional Wisdom: A Primer For Current Economic Controversies And Proposals
  30. Douglas Murray: The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam
  31. Douglas Rushkoff: Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take it Back
  32. Edmund S. Morgan: American Slavery, American Freedom
  33. Edward Chancellor: Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation
  34. Edward E. Baptist:The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism
  35. Edward Francis Kelly: Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century
  36. Edward Fullbrook (Ed.): Pluralist Economics
  37. Edward Gibbon: The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Complete and Unabridged
  38. Edward J. Lawler: Social Commitments in a Depersonalized World
  39. Edward Klein: The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President
  40. Edward L. Glaeser: Corruption and Reform: Lessons from America's Economic History
  41. Edward Lucas: The New Cold War: Putin's Russia and the Threat to the West
  42. Edward N. Luttwak: Turbo-Capitalism: Winners and Losers in the Global Economy
  43. Edward Rickards: The Death of Money: Currency Wars and the Money Bubble: How to Survive and Prosper in the Coming Economic Collapse (SHTF Survival Book 3)
  44. Edward T. Haslam: Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics
  45. Eileen Welsome: The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War
  46. Elizabeth Bradley: The American Health Care Paradox: Why Spending More Is Getting Us Less
  47. Elizabeth Gilbert: The Signature of All Things
  48. Elizabeth Hinton: From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America
  49. Elizabeth Kolbert: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History
  50. Elizabeth Warren: A Fighting Chance
  51. Elizabeth Warren: The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke
  52. Ellen E. Schultz: Retirement Heist: How Companies Plunder and Profit from the Nest Eggs of American Workers
  53. Ellen Hodgson Brown: Web of Debt
  54. Ellen Meiksins Wood: The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View
  55. Elliot Jaspin: Buried in the Bitter Waters...    Buried in the Bitter Waters: The Hidden History of Racial Cleansing in America
  56. Eric Bolling: The Swamp: Washington's Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism and How Trump Can Drain It
  57. Eric D. Beinhocker: The Origin of Wealth: Evolution, Complexity, And the Radical Eric Hobsbawm: Industry and Empire: The Birth of the Industrial Revolution
  58. Eric Rauchway: The Great Depression & the New Deal: A Very Short Introduction
  59. Remaking of Economics
  60. Eric Richards: The Highland Clearances
  61. Eric Schlosser: Fast Food Nation
  62. Eric Weiner: The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World
  63. Erik Brynjolfsson: The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies
  64. Erik Larson: The Devil in the White City
  65. Erik S. Reinert: How Rich Countries Got Rich And Why Poor Countries Stay Poor
  66. Evelyn Underhill: Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness
  67. Fernand Braudel: Civilization and Capitalism 15th-18th Century, Vol. 1: The Structures of Everyday Life
  68. Francesco Guala: The Methodology of Experimental Economics
  69. Frank Marra: From Landfill to Hallowed Ground: The Largest Crime Scene in America
  70. Frank Partnoy: The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, the Financial Genius Behind a Century of Wall Street Scandals
  71. Frank Pasquale: The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms That Control Money and Information
  72. Frank Trentmann: Empire of Things: How We Became a World of Consumers, from the Fifteenth Century to the Twenty-First
  73. Fred L. Block: The Origins of International Economic Disorder: A Study of United States International Monetary Policy from World War II to the Present
  74. Fred Pearce: When the Rivers Run Dry: Water—The Defining Crisis of the Twenty-first Century
  75. Friedrich A. Hayek: The Constitution of Liberty
  76. Friedrich A. Hayek: The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism
  77. Friedrich A. Hayek: The Use of Knowledge in Society
  78. Friedrich A. Hayek: The Road to Serfdom
  79. Friedrich Engels: The Condition of the Working Class in England
  80. Friedrich List: National System of Political Economy
  81. G. Edward Griffin: The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
  82. G. Edward White: American Legal History: A Very Short Introduction
  83. Gabriel Zucman: The Hidden Wealth of Nations: The Scourge of Tax Havens
  84. Galip L. Yalman: Transition to Neoliberalism: The Case of Turkey in the 1980s
  85. Ganesh Sitaraman: The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution: Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic
  86. Gar Alperovitz: Unjust Deserts: How the Rich Are Taking Our Common Inheritance
  87. Gary Allen: None Dare Call It Conspiracy
  88. Gary Belsky: Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes And How To Correct Them: Lessons From The New Science Of Behavioral Economics
  89. Gary F. Marcus: Kluge: The Haphazard Construction of the Human Mind
  90. Gary Klein: Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions
  91. Gary S. Becker: Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education
  92. Garry Kasparov: Winter Is Coming: Why Vladimir Putin and the Enemies of the Free World Must Be Stopped
  93. George A. Akerlof: Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism
  94. George A. Akerlof: Identity Economics: How Our Identities Shape Our Work, Wages, and Well-Being
  95. George A. Akerlof: Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception
  96. George Ainslie: Breakdown of Will
  97. George Lakoff: Whose Freedom?: The Battle over America's Most Important Idea
  98. George Lakoff: Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think
  99. George Monbiot: Captive State: The Corporate Takeover of Britain
  100. George Monbiot: How Did We Get into This Mess?: Politics, Equality, Nature
  101. George Soros: The Crisis Of Global Capitalism: Open Society Endangered
  102. Gerald P. O'Driscoll: Economics as a Coordination Problem: The Contributions of Friedrich A. Hayek
  103. Gerald Raunig: Critique of Creativity: Precarity, Subjectivity and Resistance in the ‘Creative Industries'
  104. Glenn Greenwald: With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful
  105. Gérard Duménil: The Crisis of Neoliberalism
  106. Gérard Duménil: Capital Resurgent: Roots of the Neoliberal Revolution
  107. Glenn Greenwald: No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State
  108. Glenn Walp: Implosion at Los Alamos: How Crime, Corruption and Cover-Ups Jeopardize America's Nuclear Weapons Secrets
  109. Gillian Tett: Saving the Sun: How Wall Street Mavericks Shook Up Japan's Financial World and Made Billions
  110. Gonzalo W.  Benard: I, Energy
  111. Greg Farrell: Crash of the Titans: Greed, Hubris, the Fall of Merrill Lynch, and the Near-Collapse of Bank of America
  112. Greg Steinmetz: The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: The Life and Times of Jacob Fugger
  113. Gregory Cochran: The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution
  114. Gregory N. Derry: What Science Is and How It Works
  115. Gregory Sholette (Ed.): It's the Political Economy, Stupid: The Global Financial Crisis in Art and Theory
  116. Guy Standing: The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class
  117. H.A. Ormziar: Broken Symmetries: Age of Illuminati
  118. H.W. Brands: American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900
  119. H.W. Brands: The Money Men: Capitalism, Democracy, and the Hundred Years' War Over the American Dollar
  120. Ha-Joon Chang: Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism
  121. Ha-Joon Chang: 23 Things They Don't Tell You about Capitalism
  122. Ha-Joon Chang: Economics: The User's Guide
  123. Ha-Joon Chang (Ed.): Joseph Stiglitz and the World Bank: The Rebel Within
  124. Hagen Schulz-Forberg (Ed.): Re-Inventing Western Civilisation: Transnational Reconstructions of Liberalism in Europe in the Twentieth Century
  125. Hai Ren: Neoliberalism and Culture in China and Hong Kong: The Countdown of Time
  126. Hamad Subani: The Secret History of Iran
  127. Hamad Subani: The World War Deception
  128. Hannah Arendt: The Origins of Totalitarianism
  129. Harry Whitewolf: Matrix Visions
  130. Henry A. Giroux: Neoliberalism's War on Higher Education
  131. Henry A. Giroux: Higher Education After Neoliberalism
  132. Henry George: Progress and Poverty
  133. Henry Hazlitt: Economics in One Lesson
  134. Henry Hazlitt: Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest & Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics
  135. Henry Mark Holzer: Aid and Comfort
  136. Henry Marsh: Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death and Brain Surgery
  137. Herbert Gintis: The Bounds of Reason: Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences
  138. Herbert Marcuse: One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
  139. Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States
  140. Hunter Lewis: Crony Capitalism in America: 2008-2012
  141. Hunter Lewis: Free Prices Now!
  142. Imogen Tyler: Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain
  143. Ingo Walters: The Secret Money Market: Inside the Dark World of Tax Evasion, Financial Fraud, Insider Trading, Money Laundering, and Capital Flight
  144. Ira Levin, The Stepford Wives
  145. Israel M. Kirzner: How Markets Work: Disequilibrium, Entrepreneurship and Discovery
  146. J.D. Vance: Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
  147. J.M. Harrison, The Soul Whisperer: A Tale of Hidden Truths and Unspoken Possibilities
  148. Jack C. Westman: The China-America Alliance: East Asian and American Cultural Values Promote Global Harmony
  149. Jack Cashill: Popes and Bankers: A Cultural History of Credit and Debt, from Aristotle to AIG
  150. Jack Doyle: Taken for a Ride: Detroit's Big Three and the Politics of Pollution
  151. Jack W. Plunkett: The Next Boom
  152. Jack Herer: The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana
  153. Jack Holland: A Brief History of Misogyny: The World's Oldest Prejudice
  154. Jack Weatherford: Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
  155. Jack Weatherford: The History of Money
  156. Jacob Soll: The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations
  157. Jacob S. Hacker: Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer—and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class
  158. Jacob S. Hacker: American Amnesia: Business, Government, and the Forgotten Roots of Our Prosperity
  159. James A. Robinson: Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty
  160. James B. Stewart: Den of Thieves
  161. James Bacque: Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-50
  162. James Bamford: Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency from the Cold War Through the Dawn of a New Century
  163. James C. Van Hook: Rebuilding Germany: The Creation of the Social Market Economy, 1945-1957
  164. James F. Petras: Empire with Imperialism: The Globalizing Dynamics of Neoliberal Capitalism
  165. James Fulcher: Capitalism: A Very Short Introduction
  166. James Grant: The Forgotten Depression: 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself
  167. James Gustave Speth: The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability
  168. James K. Galbraith: The End of Normal: Why the Growth Economy Isn't Coming Back-and What to Do When It Doesn't
  169. James K. Galbraith: Inequality and Instability: A Study of the World Economy Just Before the Great Crisis
  170. James K. Galbraith: The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too
  171. James K. Galbraith: Inequality: What Everyone Needs to Know
  172. James Kwak: Economism: Bad Economics and the Rise of Inequality
  173. James L. Haley: Captive Paradise: The Story of the United States and Hawaii
  174. James McCartney: America's War Machine: Vested Interests, Endless Conflicts
  175. James Montier: The Little Book of Behavioral Investing: How Not to Be Your Own Worst Enemy
  176. James Montier: Behavioural Finance: Insights Into Irrational Minds and Markets
  177. James Montier: Value Investing: Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investment
  178. James Morcan: Antigravity Propulsion: Human or Alien Technologies? (The Underground Knowledge Series, #2)
  179. James Morcan, The $ickness Industry, Big Pharma and Suppressed Cures (The Underground Knowledge Series, #3)
  180. James Morcan, The Catcher in the Rye Enigma: J.D. Salinger's Mind Control Triggering Device or a Coincidental Literary Obsession of Criminals? (The Underground Knowledge Series, #4)
  181. James Morcan, International Bankster$: The Global Banking Elite Exposed and the Case for Restructuring Capitalism (The Underground Knowledge Series, #5)
  182. James Morcan: Bankrupting the Third World (The Underground Knowledge Series, #6)
  183. James Norman: The Oil Card
  184. James Owen Weatherall: The Physics of Wall Street: A Brief History of Predicting the Unpredictable
  185. James Rickards: Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis
  186. James Risen: Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War
  187. James S. Henry: The Blood Bankers: Tales from the Global Underground Economy
  188. James Tipper: The Discarded Ones
  189. James Turk: The Money Bubble
  190. James W. Loewen: Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong
  191. Jamie Peck: Constructions of Neoliberal Reason
  192. Jane Jacobs: Dark Age Ahead
  193. Jane Mayer: Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right
  194. Janine R. Wedel: Unaccountable: How Elite Power Brokers Corrupt our Finances, Freedom, and Security
  195. Jared Dillian: Street Freak: Money and Madness at Lehman Brothers
  196. Jason Hackworth: The Neoliberal City: Governance, Ideology, and Development in American Urbanism
  197. Jason Kelly: The New Tycoons: Inside the Trillion Dollar Private Equity Industry That Owns Everything
  198. Jawanza Kunjufu: Black Economics: Solutions for Economic and Community Empowerment
  199. Jean-Paul Sartre: Colonialism and Neocolonialism   
  200. Jeff Madrick: Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present

Lihat lanjutannya: 1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia (Bagian 3)

Jumat, 21 Desember 2018

1.000 Buku yang Perlu Dibaca untuk Memahami Rahasia-Rahasia Dunia (Bagian 1)

Daripada menghabiskan waktu dengan wanita yang ngebet nikah,
aku lebih suka menikmati waktu untuk belajar, atau membaca buku,
atau bekerja, atau mencuci piring, atau menyapu rumah,
atau menikmati teh sendirian sambil udud... atau
meruntuhkan peradaban bobrok yang kita jalani.

Selama bertahun-tahun menyelami buku dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu, saya menemukan fakta sepele tapi menarik, yang—jika dipikirkan mendalam—sangat mencengangkan. Betapa sebuah buku bisa memiliki mata rantai ke buku lain, padahal buku-buku itu tidak saling berkaitan, bahkan membahas topik yang jauh berbeda. 

Mula-mula, saya tidak menyadari kenyataan ini—dan, saya pikir, kebanyakan pembaca juga tidak menyadarinya. Tetapi, seiring makin banyak buku yang saya baca, “mata rantai” yang semula buram semakin tampak jelas.

Umpama kita membaca sepuluh buku secara acak, dan sepuluh buku itu membahas hal-hal berbeda, kemungkinan besar sepuluh buku itu tidak akan saling nyambung—tidak ada mata rantai apa pun. Tetapi, kalau kita membaca seratus buku, meski sama-sama acak, ada kemungkinan kita mulai menemukan mata rantai, meski mungkin samar-samar, dan bisa jadi kita belum paham. Sesuatu yang mencengangkan akan terjadi jika kita membaca, setidaknya, seribu buku.

Jika kita membaca seribu buku, tak peduli topiknya sangat acak, kita akan menemukan mata rantai yang saling nyambung. Jika ingatan kita cukup kuat—sehingga mampu mengingat “ujung-ujung rantai” yang kita temukan di buku-buku yang kita baca—kita pun akan melihat benang merah yang sangat jelas. Satu buku mampu menjelaskan sesuatu di buku lain, dan begitu seterusnya.

Ketika menyadari kenyataan itu, jujur saja, saya merasa mendapat pencerahan, dan nafsu membaca saya makin gila-gilaan. Sejak itu, saya menjadikan aktivitas membaca tidak lagi sekadar untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan, tapi juga semacam petualangan untuk menyelami hal-hal tak terlihat—tumpukan rahasia mencengangkan—khususnya tentang “bagaimana dunia dan kehidupan ini berjalan”.

Bagaimana dunia dan kehidupan kita berjalan? Jawabannya tidak seperti yang kita pikirkan!

Saya bisa saja menulis banyak catatan, yang mengurai banyak rahasia di balik dunia kita yang tampak biasa dan baik-baik saja. Tetapi, selalu ada kemungkinan orang akan meragukan yang saya tulis—bisa jadi karena hal itu bertentangan dengan pengetahuan atau keyakinannya. Sebab kebanyakan orang berpikir linier, hanya menerima apa saja yang dicekokkan ke pikiran, tanpa usaha menyelami pengetahuan untuk menemukan kebenaran.

Karena kenyataan itu, saya terpikir untuk menyusun buku-buku yang bisa dijadikan acuan untuk memahami rahasia-rahasia dunia, khususnya terkait ekonomi, politik, sosial, dan kondisi dunia kontemporer.

Sekarang keinginan itu terwujud. Setelah memilah dan memilih sangat lama, akhirnya saya bisa menyusun 1.000 (seribu) buku yang saya anggap memiliki mata rantai yang saling terhubung, sebagaimana yang saya jelaskan tadi.

Saya tidak menjamin seribu buku ini akan sesuai selera bacaanmu. Tapi saya bisa menjamin satu hal: Begitu kau selesai membaca seribu buku ini, kau akan melihat dunia dengan cara yang sangat... sangat berbeda.

Kalau kau mengatakan sesuatu yang berdasar pada sebuah buku, bisa jadi buku itu salah. Bahkan, kalau kau mengatakan sesuatu yang berdasar pada sepuluh buku, tetap saja sepuluh buku itu bisa keliru. Tetapi, kalau kau mempercayai sesuatu berdasarkan seribu buku... apa iya seribu buku itu salah semua?

Cara kita melihat dunia ditopang oleh keyakinan kita. Keyakinan kita dirakit oleh pengetahuan. Dan pengetahuan yang utuh dibangun oleh banyak sumber. Satu buku bisa salah, sepuluh buku bisa keliru, tapi seribu buku adalah fondasi yang kokoh untuk membangun pengetahuan dan mengkristalkan keyakinan.

Meski jumlahnya tergolong raksasa, seribu buku yang saya kumpulkan dalam daftar ini membahas topik yang bisa dibilang saling terkait, yaitu seputar ekonomi, keuangan, politik, sosial, sejarah, dan dunia internasional. Kalau kau ingin memahami banyak rahasia yang tidak diketahui kebanyakan orang, silakan baca seribu buku ini. Pengetahuan yang tersimpan dalam seribu buku ini adalah investasi luar biasa untuk memahami rahasia-rahasia dunia.

Daftar ini saya susun secara alfabetis, berdasarkan nama penulisnya. Untuk meringankan loading halaman, saya pecah daftar ini ke dalam lima halaman. Selamat membaca.
  1. Adam Fergusson: When Money Dies: The Nightmare of The Weimar Hyper Inflation
  2. Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
  3. Agnes Labrousse (Ed.): Institutional Economics In France And Germany: German Ordoliberalism Versus The French Regulation School
  4. Al Gore: The Assault on Reason
  5. Alan Beattie: False Economy: A Surprising Economic History of The World
  6. Alan T. Peacock (Ed.): Germany's Social Market Economy: Origins and Evolution
  7. Alan T. Peacock: German Neo Liberals And The Social Market Economy
  8. Alan Trachtenberg: The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society in the Gilded Age
  9. Alain Touraine: Beyond Neoliberalism
  10. Aldous Huxley: Brave New World
  11. Aldous Huxley: The Doors of Perception & Heaven and Hell
  12. Alec J. Ross: The Industries of the Future
  13. Alessandro Boccaletti: Veritas The Pharmacological Endgame
  14. Alex Goldfarb: Death of a Dissident: The Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko and the Return of the KGB
  15. Alexander Hamilton: Federalist Papers
  16. Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America
  17. Alvin D. Hall: Money Magic: Seven Simple Steps to True Financial Freedom
  18. Alvin E. Roth: The Handbook of Experimental Economics
  19. Amartya Sen: Development as Freedom
  20. Amartya Sen: Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation
  21. Amy Waldman: The Submission
  22. Andrea Muehlebach: The Moral Neoliberal: Welfare and Citizenship in Italy
  23. Andrew Clapham: Human Rights: A Very Short Introduction
  24. Andrew Glyn: Capitalism Unleashed: Finance, Globalization, and Welfare 
  25. Andrew Glyn: Social Democracy in Neoliberal Times: The Left and Economic Policy Since 1980
  26. Andrew Hitchcock: History of Money
  27. Andrew J. Bacevich: The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism
  28. Andrew J. Bacevich: The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War
  29. Andrew L. Yarrow: Measuring America: How Economic Growth Came to Define American Greatness in the Late Twentieth Century
  30. Andrés Reséndez: The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America
  31. Andrew M. Lobaczewski: Political Ponerology
  32. Andrew Marr: A History of the World
  33. Andrew Ross Sorkin: Too Big to Fail: The Inside Story of How Wall Street and Washington Fought to Save the Financial System from Crisis—and Themselves
  34. Andy Greenberg: This Machine Kills Secrets: How WikiLeakers, Hacktivists, and Cypherpunks Are Freeing the World's Information
  35. Angus Burgin: The Great Persuasion: Reinventing Free Markets Since the Depression
  36. Anna Politkovskaya: A Russian Diary: A Journalist's Final Account of Life, Corruption & Death in Putin's Russia
  37. Anne Garrels: Putin Country: A Journey into the Real Russia
  38. Anne Wilson Schaef: When Society Becomes an Addict
  39. Antonia Juhasz: The Tyranny of Oil: The World's Most Powerful Industry—and What We Must Do to Stop It
  40. Antonia Juhasz: The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time
  41. Antony C. Sutton: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
  42. Antony C. Sutton: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
  43. Anthony Hulse: Cries from the Deep
  44. Antony Loewenstein: Disaster Capitalism
  45. Arie Farnam: The Fear and the Solace
  46. Arlie Russell Hochschild: Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right
  47. Armand Daigle: Thank Earth You
  48. Arnold Joseph Toynbee: Civilization on Trial
  49. Arthur Goldwag: Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies: The Straight Scoop on
  50. Arthur Herman: Freedom's Forge: How American Business Built the Arsenal of Democracy That Won World War II
  51. Alessandro Boccaletti: Veritas The Pharmacological Endgame
  52. Arthur Goldwag: Freemasons, The Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Black Helicopters, The New World Order, and many, many more
  53. Atul Gawande: Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science
  54. Atul Gawande: Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End
  55. Barbara Ehrenreich: Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America
  56. Barbara Ehrenreich: This Land Is Their Land: Reports from a Divided Nation
  57. Barbara Ehrenreich: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream
  58. Barbara Garson: Money Makes the World Go Around: One Investor Tracks Her Cash Through the Global Economy, from Brooklyn to Bangkok and Back
  59. Chris Hayes: A Colony in a Nation
  60. Barrington Moore Jr.: Moral Purity and Persecution in History
  61. Barrington Moore Jr.: Moral Aspects of Economic Growth, and Other Essays: Euripides and the Traffic in Women
  62. Barrington Moore Jr.: Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World
  63. Barry Glassner: The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things
  64. Barry Eichengreen: Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System
  65. Barry R. Weingast: The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy
  66. Barry Schwartz: The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less
  67. Bastian Obermayer: The Panama Papers: Breaking the Story of How the Rich and Powerful Hide Their Money
  68. Bertram M. Gross: Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America
  69. Bethany McLean: The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron
  70. Bethany McLean: All the Devils are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis
  71. Bill Browder: Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice
  72. Boyd Morrison: The Roswell Conspiracy
  73. Brad Meltzer, History Decoded: The 10 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time
  74. Brandon Earl Bristow: Aware: An Inquiry Into Consciousness... Our Psychedelic
  75. Branko Milanovic: Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization
  76. Branko Milanovic: The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Brief and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality
  77. Brian A. Jackson: Mushroom Medicine: The Healing Power of Psilocybin & Sacred Entheogen History
  78. Brian Alexander: Glass House: The 1% Economy and the Shattering of the All-American Town
  79. Brian Christian: Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions
  80. Brian Czech: Supply Shock: Economic Growth at the Crossroads and the Steady State Solution
  81. Brian Klaas: The Despot's Accomplice: How the West Is Aiding and Abetting the Decline of Democracy
  82. Brian Michael Bendis: The New Avengers: Illuminati
  83. Brian Wansink: Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think
  84. Brooke Harrington: Capital Without Borders: Wealth Managers and the One Percent
  85. Bruce Bueno De Mesquita: The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics
  86. Bruce Rogers-Vaughn: Caring for Souls in a Neoliberal Age
  87. Bruno S. Frey (Ed.): Economics and Psychology: A Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field
  88. Bryan Stevenson: Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption
  89. Bryan Burrough: Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco
  90. Bryant McGill: Voice of Reason
  91. Burton G. Malkiel: A Random Walk Down Wall Street
  92. C.G. Jung: Synchronicity and the Paranormal
  93. Carl Bernstein: All the President's Men
  94. Carlos Castaneda: The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
  95. Carlos Castaneda: A Separate Reality
  96. Carmen M. Reinhart: This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
  97. Carol Gilligan: The Deepening Darkness: Patriarchy, Resistance, and Democracy's Future
  98. Carol J. Greenhouse (Ed.): Ethnographies of Neoliberalism
  99. Carol Tavris: Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts
  100. Caroline Moorehead: Gellhorn: A Twentieth-Century Life
  101. Cathy O'Brien: Trance: Formation of America
  102. Cedric Johnson (Ed.): The Neoliberal Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, Late Capitalism, and the Remaking of New Orleans
  103. Chalmers Johnson: The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic
  104. Chalmers Johnson: Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
  105. Charles E. Lindblom: Politics and Markets : The World's Political-Economic Systems
  106. Charles E. Lindblom: The Market System: What It Is, How It Works, and What To Make of It
  107. Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition
  108. Charles H. Ferguson: Inside Job: The Rogues Who Pulled Off the Heist of the Century
  109. Charles J. Ogletree Jr.: All Deliberate Speed: Reflections on the First Half-Century of Brown v. Board of Education
  110. Charles Lachman: A Secret Life: The Lies and Scandals of President Grover Cleveland
  111. Charles Mackay: Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
  112. Charles Murray: By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission
  113. Charles P. Kindleberger: Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises
  114. Charles R. Morris: The Tycoons: How Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould and J.P. Morgan Invented the American Supereconomy
  115. Charles R. Morris: The Trillion Dollar Meltdown: Easy Money, High Rollers, and the Great Credit Crash
  116. Charles W. Calomiris: Fragile by Design: The Political Origins of Banking Crises and Scarce Credit (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World)
  117. Charles Wheelan: Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science
  118. Cheri Seymour: The Last Circle: Danny Casolaro's Investigation into the Octopus and the PROMIS Software Scandal
  119. Christian de Perthuis: Green Capital: A New Perspective on Growth
  120. Christian Parenti: Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence
  121. Christopher Bryson: The Fluoride Deception
  122. Christopher C. Horner: Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed
  123. Christopher C. Horner: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming
  124. Christopher Hibbert: The House of Medici: Its Rise and Fall
  125. Christopher Hill: Reformation to Industrial Revolution
  126. Christopher Knight: Who Built the Moon?
  127. Christopher L. Hayes: Twilight of the Elites: America After Meritocracy
  128. Christopher Rankin: Creating Monsters
  129. Claire Sterling:  Thieves' World: The Threat of the New Global Network of Organized Crime
  130. Colin Crouch: The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism
  131. Colin F. Camerer (Ed.): Advances in Behavioral Economics
  132. Colin F. Camerer: Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction
  133. Colin Leys: Market-Driven Politics: Neoliberal Democracy and the Public Interest
  134. Colin Willis: Magic Mushrooms: The Truth About Psilocybin: An Introductory Guide to Shrooms, Psychedelic Mushrooms, And The Full Effects
  135. Colin Wilson: The Occult
  136. Cornel West: Democracy Matters: Winning the Fight Against Imperialism
  137. Costas Lapavitsas: Against the Troika: Crisis and Austerity in the Eurozone
  138. Craig I. Zirbel: Texas Connection: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
  139. Craig Unger: House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties
  140. Damien Cahill: Neoliberalism: Beyond the Free Market
  141. Dan Carpenter: A Psychonaut's Guide to the Invisible Landscape: The Topography of the Psychedelic Experience
  142. Dan Gardner: The Science of Fear: Why We Fear the Things We Shouldn't—and Put Ourselves in Greater Danger
  143. Daniel A. Crane (Ed.): The Making of Competition Policy: Legal and Economic Sources
  144. Daniel Alpert: The Age of Oversupply: Overcoming the Greatest Challenge to the Global Economy
  145. Daniel C. Dennett: From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds
  146. Daniel Estulin: The True Story of the Bilderberg Group
  147. Daniel Friedman: Morals and Markets: An Evolutionary Account of the Modern World
  148. Daniel Kahneman: Thinking, Fast and Slow
  149. Daniel Kahneman (Ed.): Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
  150. Daniel Kahneman (Ed.): Choices, Values, and Frames   
  151. Daniel Kahneman (Ed.): Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
  152. Daniel H. Pink: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
  153. Daniel H. Pink: A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future
  154. Daniel J. Levitin: A Field Guide to Lies: Critical Thinking in the Information Age
  155. Daniel J. Levitin: The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
  156. Daniel Pinchbeck: Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness: Liminal Zones, Psychic Science, and the Hidden Dimensions of the Mind
  157. Daniel Prokop: Leaving Neverland: Why Little Boys Shouldn't Run Big Corporations
  158. Daniel S. Fletcher: The Acid Diary
  159. Daniel Stedman Jones: Masters of the Universe: Hayek, Friedman, and the Birth of Neoliberal Politics
  160. Daniel Unedo: Dogs of Orninica
  161. Daniel Yergin: The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy
  162. Daniel Zamora (Ed.): Foucault and Neoliberalism
  163. Daron Acemoglu: Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty
  164. David A. Stockman: The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America
  165. David A. T. Stafford: Roosevelt and Churchill: Men of Secrets
  166. David Aaronovitch: Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History
  167. David Biddle: Beyond the Will of God: A Jill Simpson Mystery
  168. David Bollier: Silent Theft: The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth
  169. David Brock: Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative
  170. David Brooks: The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement
  171. David Blacker: The Falling Rate of Learning and the Neoliberal Endgame
  172. David C. Korten: When Corporations Rule the World
  173. David C. Korten: The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community
  174. David Cay Johnston: Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense
  175. David Chandler: The Neoliberal Subject: Resilience, Adaptation and Vulnerability
  176. David Dusty Cupples: Stir It Up: The CIA Targets Jamaica, Bob Marley and the Progressive Manley Government
  177. David E. Hoffman: The Oligarchs: Wealth and Power in the New Russia
  178. David Graeber: Debt: The First 5,000 Years
  179. David Hackett Fischer: The Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythym of History
  180. David Harvey: A Brief History of Neoliberalism
  181. David Harvey: The Limits to Capital
  182. David Harvey: Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism
  183. David Harvey: The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism
  184. David Icke: Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster
  185. David Icke: The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy: And How to End It
  186. David Icke: The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World
  187. David Icke: And the Truth Shall Set You Free
  188. David Icke: Children of the Matrix
  189. David Icke: Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More
  190. David Icke: Infinite Love is the Only Truth: Everything Else is Illusion
  191. David Icke: Tales from the Time Loop
  192. David Icke: I am me I am free: The Robots' Guide to Freedom
  193. David Icke: Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster
  194. David Icke: Robots Rebellion
  195. David Icke: Remember Who You Are: Remember Where You Are and Where You Come from
  196. David Icke: Truth Vibrations
  197. David Icke: Heal the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Human & Planetary Transformation
  198. David Icke: Lifting the Veil
  199. David K. Shipler: The Working Poor: Invisible in America
  200. David Livingstone: Terrorism and the Illuminati

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